I am trying to use a std::bitset
with an enum
but I am getting a compilation error saying
template argument 1 is invalid
Funny thing is that when I use any of the enumerated value without the enumeration scope it works fine.
Do you know why?
Below the code
enum MyTypes {
Alpha = 1,
Beta = 2,
Gamma = 3
std::bitset<MyTypes::Alpha> bitset_wrong; // It doesn't compile.
std::bitset<Alpha > bitset_good; // It works.
It seems that you have an old compiler that does not support specifying qualified names with unscoped enumerators.
Update your compiler.:)
The code you showed is a valid code according to the C++ 2011 Standard.
Here is a quote from the C++ Standard with an example (7.2 Enumeration declarations)
11 Each enum-name and each unscoped enumerator is declared in the scope that immediately contains the enum-specifier. Each scoped enumerator is declared in the scope of the enumeration. These names obey the scope rules defined for all names in (3.3) and (3.4).
[ Example:
enum direction { left=’l’, right=’r’ };
void g() {
direction d; // OK
d = left; // OK
d = direction::right; // OK