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Check if app is de-authorized facebook android SDK 4.0

Trying to integrate Facebook Android SDK 4.0 via a sample app.


  1. How can we check if the app has been de-authorized by the user in the app dashboard. Tried using the AccessTokenTracker in the new SDK documentation, but that doesn't seems to be getting called upon when i de-authorize the app.

The AccessTokenTracker is only called when i login or change the password on the account. Is there any other class for checking the de-authorization of an app?

The sample app:

  1. Where exactly is the AccessToken stored in our app?

The documentation on the developer.facebook is real poor as of now. I only want to use the SDK. I don't intend to use the Graph API along with that. Any ideas is appreciated.



  • 1) You won't get a call on the client when the user de-auths your app. What will happen is when you do a call, it will fail. The GraphResponse's getError will be not null. In this case, the FacebookRequestError's category is LOGIN_RECOVERABLE, as you need to take the user to the login flow again. You can call one of these methods to start that process with the response you received:

    2) The access token is stored in your application's shared preferences under the key com.facebook.AccessTokenManager.CachedAccessToken