I've trying to get id of clicked placemark, but I can't find the way to do that.
I have the following code on TypeScript:
var map = new ymaps.Map( 'map', {
center : [55.76, 37.64],
zoom : 7
} );
var objectManager = new ymaps.ObjectManager( {} );
this.objectManager.events.add(['click'], function(event){
// here i want to get placemark id
map.geoObjects.add( objectManager );
$.get( "/getObjects", {}, ( response:ServerResponse ) => {
objectManager.add( data.objects );
}, "json" );
Here is the ServerResponse interface:
interface ServerResponse {
status : string;
count : number;
objects: {
id : number; // this is id, which I want to get
type : string;
geometry: {
type : string;
coordinates: string[]
So here is the question: how can i get id of placemark, which was clicked?
Did you try this var objectId = e.get('objectId');
You can see how to use ObjectManager in YandexMap Sandbox and in ObjectManager Documentation.