Learning Accumulo at the moment and I noticed there wasn't a direct call that I found for figuring out the column family for an entry. I need data from an Accumulo table in the format of
for example:
columns:[{name:"NAME",value:"FOO BAR"},
And these spots are where I am trying to take data from:
{key:"key value from table",
columns:[{name:"name of column family",value:"value from table"},
{name:"name of column family",value:"value from table"}
So obviously key and value are easy to get ahold of, but what I call the "name" is extremely important to me as well, aka the column family name.
Yes it is possible. For example take a look at this:
for (Entry<Key, Value> entry : scan) {
Text key = entry.getKey().getRow();
Value val = entry.getValue();
returnVal.append("KEY" + key + " " + entry.getKey().getColumnFamily() + ": " + val + "\n");
The solution being for whatever entry you are looking at do entry.getKey().getColumnFamily()