Right now I am working on a clojure project which has other code that has been written in house. Through all this code one of our libaries has been implemented several times, I know in my project.clj file I can specify to not pull in that library with something like
[my-library "2.1.1" :exclusions [old-lib]]
[their-library "2.1.3" :exclusions [old-lib]]
[new-library "0.0.1"]
Is there a way for me to specify to use the version of old lib in new-library as opposed to specifying all the places not to use it? So rather than saying exclude everywhere, just specify to use new-library's version of old-lib. Something like ...
[my-library "2.1.1"]
[their-library "2.1.3"]
[new-library "0.0.1" :use-this-lib [old-lib]]
Leiningen has a global :exclusions
key you can use to exclude from all dependencies and provide the dependency yourself.
[my-library "2.1.1"]
[their-library "2.1.3"]
[new-lib "0.0.1"]
:exclusions [old-lib]