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limit jetty scanning in maven plugin

I'm having problems getting a webapp to start quickly in using the maven jetty plugin in eclipse. I'm using the jetty:run goal.

After turning on the logging the problem seems to be that jetty scans all the jars in my webapp for web app configuration. Just including a dependency to jersey-media-moxy causes jetty to add 48 seconds to its start up time.

How do I limit this scanning in the jetty-maven-plugin? I've found Jetty startup delay due to scanning but before I make some external jetty configuration and include this is the maven configuration, I want to make sure that there isn't a more straightforward option. looks promising, but I'm unsure how to proceed (as this doesn't mention the maven plugin either).

my pom.xml file is included below:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""





            <!-- artifactId>jersey-container-servlet-core</artifactId -->
            <!-- use the following artifactId if you don't need servlet 2.x compatibility -->
        <!-- uncomment this to get JSON support -->
        <!--  -->
        <!-- -->


  • This is what I use for my projects to speed up Jetty startup just from the maven pom.xml file (no external configuration is required):

                        <!-- no need to scan anything as we're using servlet 2.5 and moreover, we're not using ServletContainerInitializer(s) -->
                        <!-- for more relevant information regarding scanning of classes refer to -->

    Use any regex of your choice (if you're using servlet initializers). Note that ^$ excludes everything.