I would like to change the title of a column my datatable generated by jQuery Datatable plugin
Do you know if I can do something like this:
table = $('#example').DataTable({
"data": source_dataTable,
"columnDefs": defs,
"dom": 't<"top"f>rt<"bottom"lpi><"clear">',
table.column(0).title.text("new title for the column 0")
It renders a html a first line like that:
<table id="example" class="row-border hover dataTable no-footer" role="grid" aria-describedby="example_info" style="width: 1140px;">
<tr role="row">
<th class="sorting" tabindex="0" aria-controls="example" rowspan="1" colspan="1" aria-label="S&#233;lectionn&#233;: activer pour trier la colonne par ordre croissant" style="width: 94px;">Sélectionné</th>
<th class="sorting" tabindex="0" aria-controls="example" rowspan="1" colspan="1" aria-label="Anglais : activer pour
trier la colonne par ordre croissant" style="width:
62px;">Anglais </th>
In a normal table the code bellow work , but for datatable rendered by jQuery plugin, it doesn't:
$('#example tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)').text("Text update by code");
Maybe there is a API method or another dom way?
I found a solution that really do it dynamically
$(table.column(1).header()).text('My title');