I have a nested object like this:
I would like to create dropdown list to a form so that there is always ObjectC's address as a default if there is one. I am totally newbie in AngularJS, so what is the correct way to that? Should I create some kind of option list in my controller or is there any more correct way to that? I tried to search answers to that from Stack, but there is plenty of different solutions. I think that I can't use ngOptions because options are coming from two different source, correct?
<input type="text" ng-model="rma.customerCustomerId.addressAddressId.address" placeholder="Address">
<input type="text" ng-model="rma.retailerRetailerId.addressAddressId.address" placeholder="Address">
I just tried to get values in my controller:
Agreed with one of the comment in the question. This doesn't feel like angular problem. You should just transform your domain model into a more appropriate view model. In the simplest example, probably something like this.
If your model looks like this:
self.foo = {
bar : {
addr : { value : 'Bar.Address' },
baz : {
addr : { value : 'Baz.Address' }
Then, you can flatten this using something like:
var result = [];
if (self.foo.bar.baz) result.push(self.foo.bar.baz.addr.value);
self.addresses = result;
And then just bind the selected address to the first element in the resulting array:
self.selectedAddress = self.addresses[0];
Putting it together, you get something like the snippet below.
(function(undefined) {
'use strict';
.controller('myCtrl', myCtrl);
myCtrl.$inject = ['$log', '$scope'];
function myCtrl($log, $scope) {
var self = this;
self.foo = {
bar : {
addr : { value : 'Bar.Address' }, //remove baz element below to simulate that it's not there.
baz : {
addr : { value : 'Baz.Address' } //This will be preferred if exists...
self.selectedAddress = undefined;
self.addresses = [];
$scope.$watch(function() { return self.foo.bar.baz.addr.value; }, function(newVal, oldVal) {
function activate() {
function bindAddresses() {
var result = [];
if (self.foo.bar.baz && self.foo.bar.baz.addr && self.foo.bar.baz.addr.value) {
self.addresses = result;
self.selectedAddress = self.addresses[0];
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app='myApp'>
<form ng-controller='myCtrl as vm'>
Address 1
<input ng-model="vm.foo.bar.addr.value" />
Address 2
<input ng-model="vm.foo.bar.baz.addr.value" />
<select ng-model='vm.selectedAddress' ng-options='addr for addr in vm.addresses'></select>