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Preload data in reactjs component

I'm creating simple application in reactjs/flux way. I have MessageStore and UserStore that contain this data:

MessageStore contains

    {"id": 1, "text": "It is a test message", "userId": 155123}

UserStore contains

    {"id": 155123, "name": "Thomas Brown", "age": 35}

I'm creating component to display message. It needs user name, but it only has userId obtained from props.

Currently I use the initial-ajax-like approach to get this data (warn: es6 react syntax):

componentDidMount() {
    var author = UserStore.getById(this.props.userId);
        author: author
render() {
    return (<a>{</a>);

Is it correct? I figured out that in this case render function is called twice. Is there any other approach to do this? Rendering loading icon? Avoid rendering before data is retrieved?


  • One should move the

    var author = UserStore.getById(this.props.userId);
        author: author

    part to getInitialState LifeCycle.

    getInitialState is called exactly once for each instance of the component, here you get a chance to initialize the custom state of the instance. Unlike getDefaultProps this method is called once each time an instance is created. At this point you have access to this.props.