I'm trying to find the boundaries of a line of text in Core Text. For simplicity, assume it has a single character. At the moment I'm using the following method:
line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrString);
rect = CTLineGetImageBounds(line, context);
It works most of the times, but for some characters, like math italic d (Unicode: 0x1D451) or math italic q (Unicode: 0x1D45E), the width is a bit short.
I tried using CTLineGetTypographicBounds()
or CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints
, but they didn't help either (I think they use glyph's advance to find the width, not its graphical width.) As the font itself isn't italic, I also can't use slant angle to correct this.
I tried accessing the glyphs directly and using CTFontCreatePathForGlyph()
, but failed as CGGlyph and UniChar are both 16-bits and I need 32-bit characters.
Does anyone know if I'm doing anything wrong? If so, what's the right way?
To make sure it's not a problem related to the font, I used different fonts. The problem exists even for ASCII characters in Arial Italic.
Ignore my previous update! It turns out this one (problem with Arial Italic) was my own bug. The first problem still stands though.
Following the bug report I made, apparently this is a CoreText problem, appearing in rare cases. Will let you know as soon as I find a fix.
Update: March 15 '12
I forgot to update this sooner, but this is fixed. The fix is in OS X Lion / iOS 5.