I have a JavaPairRDD in the following format:
JavaPairRDD< String, Tuple2< String, List< String>>> myData;
I want to save it as a Key-Value format (String, Tuple2< String, List< String>>)
So my next job could read in the data directly to my JavaPairRDD
JavaPairRDD< String, Tuple2< String, List< String>>> newData = context.XXXFile("output-path");
I am using Java 7, Spark 1.2, Java API. I tried saveAsTextFile
and saveAsObjectFile
, neither works. And I don't see saveAsSequenceFile
option in my eclipse.
Does anyone have any suggestion for this problem? Thank you very much!
You could use SequenceFileRDDFunctions that is used through implicits in scala, however that might be nastier than using the usual suggestion for java of:
myData.saveAsHadoopFile(fileName, Text.class, CustomWritable.class,
implementing CustomWritable
via extending
Something like this should work (did not check for compilation):
public class MyWritable extends Writable{
private String _1;
private String[] _2;
public MyWritable(Tuple2<String, String[]> data){
_1 = data._1;
_2 = data._2;
public Tuple2<String, String[]> get(){
return new Tuple2(_1, _2);
public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
_1 = WritableUtils.readString(in);
ArrayWritable _2Writable = new ArrayWritable();
_2 = _2Writable.toStrings();
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
Text.writeString(out, _1);
ArrayWritable _2Writable = new ArrayWritable(_2);
such that it fits your data model.