I am writing a Windows Phone 8.1 App (WINRT)
I added SlideView Library to it. Added three grids to slideview. It works fine and awsome. https://slideview.codeplex.com
Now the problem lies in navigation. I added a buton in slideview and Whenever I click on it to navigate to another page of app, it crashes.
<Grid Background="Teal"
<Button Click="Button_Click">Goto all questions test </Button>
<Grid Background="Tomato" />
<Grid Background="LightYellow" />
<Grid Background="YellowGreen"
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
I tried to debug every line but Visual studio is not catching the exception.
Try this:
Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => frame.Navigate(typeof(YourPage)));
I had the same problem and this fixed it. I haven't yet found the underlying cause, but I plan to investigate as this is pretty annoying