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Stopping multiple setTimeout instances

I have the following problem: I'm trying to implement a music application with javascipt and etc. I've dissected the module architecture in Engine and UI. My Problem lies within the Engine Modules. Basically I have a main Engine module

var NoteEngine = (function(){
    var that = {},
        matrices = [],
        beatCount = 1,
        globalBPM = 100,

    init = function(count){
        window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
        context = new AudioContext();


        beatCount = count;
        matrices = [
            new NoteMatrix("piano", (16 * beatCount), globalBPM),
            new NoteMatrix("guitar", (16 * beatCount), globalBPM),
            new NoteMatrix("bass", (16 * beatCount), globalBPM),
            new NoteMatrix("bell", (16 * beatCount), globalBPM)

    _registerListener = function(){


    that.init = init;
    return that;

A Class in order to load the sounds and create all rows

function NoteMatrix(instrument, colCount, bpm){

    var rows = [],
        matrixInstrument = instrument,


    function _loadBuffer(){
        var notePaths = _createNoteFilePaths();

        bufferLoader = new BufferLoader(

    function _createNoteFilePaths(){
        var basePath = "res/notes/" + matrixInstrument + "/",
            scale = ['C6', 'A5', 'G5', 'E5', 'D5', 'C5', 'A4', 'G4', 'E4', 'D4', 'C4', 'A3', 'G3', 'E3', 'D3', 'C3'],
            result = [];
        for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++){
            result[i] = basePath + scale[i] + ".mp3";
        return result;

    function _finishedLoading(buffer){
        bufferList = buffer;

    function _createMatrix(){
        for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++){
            rows[i] = new NoteRow(matrixInstrument, colCount, bpm, i, (i*colCount), (((i+1)*colCount) - 1), bufferList[i]);

and another subclass in order to manage a single row per instrument

function NoteRow(instrument, loopLength, bpm, row, minID, maxID, buffer){

    var noteBuffer = buffer,            // Notenklang in Bufferform
        gainNode = null,                // Hauptknoten für Ausgabe (auch lautstärke)
        volume,                         // Gesamtlautstärke
        notes = [],                     // Enthält alle Notenzustände in der Schleife (taktübergreifend)
        rowInstrument = instrument,     // Instrumentname in Stringform (für Abgleiche)
        timeoutID = null,               // Zuständig für Wiederholung/Stop der Schleife
        isPlaying = false,              // Status ob Schleife spielt oder nicht
        current16thNote = 0,            // Aktuelle Position in der Schleife
        rowBPM = bpm,                   // Tempo der Schleife
        scheduleDelay = 0,              // Verzögerung der Wiederholung der Planschleife (in ms) 
        scheduleAheadTime = 0.1,        // Abdeckung der Planschleife (in s)
        nextNoteTime = 0.0;             // Startzeit der nächsten Note


    // Initialisiert die Notenreihe
    function _init(){
        gainNode = context.createGain();
        volume = 2.5;
        gainNode.gain.value = volume;
        for(var i = 0; i < loopLength; i++){
            notes[i] = false;

    // Registriert alle Listener für die Notenreihe
    function _registerListener(){
        $("body").on("CELL_CLICKED", _toggleNote);
        $("body").on("PLAY", _play);
        $("body").on("STOP", _stop);
        $("body").on("VOLUME_CHANGE", _changeVolume);
        $("body").on("BPM_CHANGE", _changeBPM);
        $("body").on("MUTE", _mute);
        $("body").on("RESUME_SOUND", _resumeSound);
        $("body").on("REFRESH_ALL", _refresh);

    // Schaltet eine Note um
    function _toggleNote(event, data){
        if(data.instrument == rowInstrument && ( >= minID && <= maxID)){
            notes[ - minID] = !notes[ - minID];

    function _play(){
        current16thNote = 0;
        nextNoteTime = context.currentTime;

    function _stop(){

    function _handlePlayback(){
        isPlaying = !isPlaying;

        if(isPlaying) { 
            current16thNote = 0;
            nextNoteTime = context.currentTime;

    // Schaltet die Notenreihe stumm
    function _mute(){
        gainNode.gain.value = 0;

    // Stellt die ursprüngliche Lautstärke der Notenreihe wieder her
    function _resumeSound(){
        gainNode.gain.value = volume;

    // Setzt die Notenreihe zurück
    function _refresh(){
        for(var i = 0; i < notes.length; i++){
            notes[i] = false;

    // Ändert die Lautstärke der Notenreihe
    function _changeVolume(event, data){
        volume = data/20;
        gainNode.gain.value = volume;

    // Ändert das Tempo der Notenreihe
    function _changeBPM(event, data){
        rowBPM = data;

    // Startet die Playback Schleife, die immer wieder abprüft, 
    // ob im vorgelegten Zeitraum eine Note abgespielt werden soll
    function _startScheduler(){
        while (nextNoteTime < context.currentTime + scheduleAheadTime ) {
            _scheduleNote(current16thNote, nextNoteTime);
        timeoutId = setTimeout(_startScheduler, scheduleDelay);

    // Spielt die Note und aktiviert die entsprechende Animation
    function _scheduleNote(beatPosition, time){
            var voice = context.createBufferSource();
            voice.buffer = noteBuffer;

            $("#" + (minID + beatPosition)).addClass("animation");
                $("#" + (minID + beatPosition)).removeClass("animation");
            }, 100);

    // Verschiebt die Position der Schleife nach vorne
    // Abhängig vom Tempo legt es auch das Interval zur nächsten Note fest
    function _nextNote(){
        var secondsPerBeat = 60.0 / rowBPM;
        nextNoteTime += 0.25 * secondsPerBeat;

        if (current16thNote == loopLength) {
            current16thNote = 0;

My problem lies within the NoteRows. As you might see an object from the NoteRow class manages an entire row from a specific instrument with a specific note. Everything works just fine except I can't stop the playing loop with clearTimeout. Any advice? (likely without changing the entire architecture)


  • Add all of your timeout functions to an array.

    When you want to stop them, just do it like this:

    function stopTrackedTimeouts()
        for(var i=0; i<timeouts.length; i++)
        timeouts = [];

    If you dont care about other timeouts running beside the ones you started, you can clear all timeouts by getting the the id of the latest timeout by adding a Null timeout.

    function stopAllTimeouts()
        var id = window.setTimeout(null,0);
        while (id--) 