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Air publishing game error

I receive this error durring the publishing of my game.

    Error creating files. dx tool failed : 
UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTON: java.lang.illegalArgumentException:
already added : android/support/v7/appcomapt/R$anim; 

(is long error)

I have included an ane for ads (AIRPUSH)

When I run that ane in new project it's working perfectlly.

What can be the problem?

enter image description here


  • I've faced this one before.

    The exception tells you that the android-support-v7 library's R class (See R* mechanism with ANEs) is being packaged twice. Which explains why it works fine with a new ANE project.

    Please check if you have them included inside your ANE's platform.xml as a <packagedResource> (If so remove it from here)


    Check if it is being added from inside one of your other ANEs.