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Special characters causing problems when compiling LESS

Has anyone had issues with LESS compiling CSS that utilizes plus signs [+] and/or greater than [>] symbols, whereas the inclusion of these causes compilation errors/fails? (we're using the standard lessc compiler). The LESS below is identical to what we're trying to compile - the first plus after banana.keynote is what sets the compiler error off:

.banana.keynote {
    + {
        label:before {
            border: 2px solid #CC6633 !important;
.banana.chunga {
    + {
        label:before {
            border: 2px solid #ffb5ff !important;
.banana.gordita {
    + {
        label:before {
            border: 2px solid #4067ea !important;

NOTE: admittedly, I'm using an online converter to go from CSS to LESS - could this be producing weird artifacts in code? Thanks.


  • Combinators in Less must always be followed by an element identifier, i.e. you can't use + alone on its own. Rewrite your code to:

    .banana.keynote {
        + label:before {
            border: 2px solid #CC6633;

    If you really need to get it "alone" for some reason you may hack it through selector interpolaton:

    @plus: ~'+';
    .banana.keynote {
        @{plus} {
            label:before {
                border: 2px solid #CC6633;


    P.S. Additionally note that the following code:

    .banana.keynote + {
        label:before {
            border: 2px solid #CC6633;

    while compiled w/o any errors, does not produce the proper CSS (invalid + is just silently omitted).