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How to prevent inconsistent thickness and gaps in SVG lines?

My use case is probably a bit unique, but I am creating a dynamically-sized square grid using DOM elements encased in a flexbox. Each DOM element has an SVG image background and a height/width equal to calc(100vmin / <gridSize>). The SVG elements are simple:

<svg xmlns="" width="100" height="100"> <path stroke-width="2" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="square" d="M0,50 h100 M50,0 v50"/> </svg>

However, I noticed that some lines appear darker than others, and there are gaps between some SVG lines. (See picture below) I'm assuming this is due to pixel rounding because when I resize the browser, the gaps and thicknesses jump around.

I tried to round the pixels from the calc, but I am using styled-components so I am unable to use SASS / LESS functions like floor / ceil. I also noticed making the stroke width thicker alleviates the problem, but I would prefer to keep my lines thin.

Are there other ways I can make the lines consistent?



  • It's antialiasing. Setting shape-rendering="crispEdges" will turn it off on most UAs.