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Retrieving resource id in Restlet

what's the Restlet equivalent of the following snippet of code I'm using with Jersey:

  @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,MediaType.TEXT_XML})
  public Todo getEntityXMLOrJSON(@PathParam("id") int id)

I mean, when using Restlet framework I do the following:

public class ContactsApplication extends Application {
    public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
        Router router = new Router(getContext());
        router.attach("/contacts/{contactId}", ContactServerResource.class);
        return router;

how do I retrieve contactId in the get method ?


  • If you define a path parameter when attaching a server resource, you can access its value within this server resource using the method getAttribute, as described below:

    public class ContactServerResource extends ServerResource {
        public Contact getContact() {
            String contactId = getAttribute("contactId");

    You can notice that you can define such elements as instance variables. The following code is a typical implementation of a server resource ContactServerResource:

    public class ContactServerResource extends ServerResource {
        private Contact contact;
        protected void doInit() throws ResourceException {
            String contactId = getAttribute("contactId");
            // Load the contact from backend
   = (...)
            setExisting( != null);
        public Contact getContact() {
            return contact;
        public void updateContact(Contact contactToUpdate) {
           // Update the contact based on both contactToUpdate
           // and contact (that contains the contact id)
        public void deleteContact() {
           // Delete the contact based on the variable "contact"

    Hope it helps you, Thierry