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iOS UI Automation wait until web view is ready and rendered

I am creating an iOS UI Automation javascript using Instruments to automate taking a screenshot for my iOS app. The tool I am using to automate taking a screenshot is Snapshot.

I am using a webview for part of my app and I want to take a screenshot of fully rendered webview before proceeding to the rest of the script. So currently my script looks like:

var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
// take screen shot here

But when it takes the screen shot, the webview was not fully rendered so it's taking an empty screen and go back to the main screen. Is there a way to wait until the webview is fully loaded, then take a screen shot and continue rest of the script?


  • The Illuminator framework (full disclosure, I wrote it) provides a function called waitForChildExistence() in its Extensions.js that allows you to continuously evaluate a reference to an element until it actually appears.

    You would do something like this to wait up to 10 seconds for the webview to load:

    var webView = target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().scrollViews()[0].webViews()[0];
    webView.waitForChildExistence(10, true, "a specific link in the web view", function(wb) {
        // the argument wb will contain the reference to our var webView
        return wb.links()["the link you are waiting for"];
    // take screen shot here