I am having an issue where I can not find a specific word in a file with strcmp() when using getline.
My file looks something like this:
This is the code I have right now:
while(found == 0)
getline(&input, &len, *stream);
if (feof(*stream))
if(strcmp(input, "section1\n") == 0)
printf("End of section\n");
found = 1;
strcmp() never returns 0 though. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Made an edit to the code. I transferred it incorrectly.
Solution from the comments: I need to add \r to the string being compared
if(strcmp(input, "section1\r\n") == 0)
Remove potential end-of-line character(s), then compare.
getline(&input, &len, *stream);
input[strcspn(input, "\r\n")] = 0;
if(strcmp(input, "section1") == 0)
printf("End of section\n");
found = 1;
Notes: With getline()
, the buffer is null-terminated and includes the newline character, if one was found. Wise to check the return value from getline()