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How can I refactor this method using anonymous projection to be more generic?

What I have is the following method. I use anonymous projection to filter the includes EF does. I learned this method from this blogpost:

public IEnumerable<Entities.Nutrient> FindAllForSpecificLanguage(bool overridePossibleLogicalDelete)
    using (var context = CreateObjectContext())
        context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
        Entities.Nutrient[] result;

        var list = context.Nutrients
            .Select(nut => new
                Entity = nut,
                Descriptions = nut.Descriptions.Where(desc => desc.LanguageCode.Equals(DataLanguageContext.Current.DataLanguageCode))
            }).ToList(); //perform query
        var resultList = list
            .Select(entity => entity.Entity);

        return resultList;

This method should be built into all services (the api supports about 30 languages, at the moment we have a lot of DB overhead...). I'm trying to build it in a generic way, but I'm horribly inexperienced in expression trees. I thought I completely recreated the function, but I'm missing something because it isn't working. This is what I have so far:

public virtual IEnumerable<TEntity> FindAllForSpecificLanguage(bool overridePossibleLogicalDelete, Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<object>>> selectEntityDescriptions)
    using (var context = CreateObjectContext())
        context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
        ObjectQuery<TEntity> queryObjectSet = GetObjectSet(context);
        TEntity[] result;

        Type anonType = new {Entity = default(TEntity), Descriptions = Enumerable.Empty<object>()}.GetType();

        // (entityManagerBaseEntity) => new { Entity = entityManagerBaseEntity, Descriptions = selectEntityDescriptions(entityManagerBaseEntity) }
        // 1) "(entityManagerBaseEntity) =>"
        var pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "entityManagerBaseEntity");
        // 2) "selectEntityDescriptions(entityManagerBaseEntity)"
        var exprFunc = Expression.Invoke(selectEntityDescriptions, pe);
        // get constructor for anonymous type
        var constructorInfo = anonType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(TEntity), typeof(IEnumerable<object>) });
        // 3) "new AnonType(entityManagerBaseEntity, exprFunc(entityManagerBaseEntity))"
        var constructAnonType = Expression.New(constructorInfo, pe, exprFunc);
        // 4) combine all to a lambda
        // {entity => new <>f__AnonymousType0`2(entity, Invoke(entity => entity.Descriptions.Where(desc => desc.LanguageCode.Equals(DataLanguageContext.Current.DataLanguageCode)), entity))}
        var cooleExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, dynamic>>(constructAnonType, pe);
        //var bla = cooleExpression.Compile();
        //var list = queryObjectSet.AsQueryable().Provider.CreateQuery<dynamic>(cooleExpression).ToList();
        var list = queryObjectSet.Select(cooleExpression).ToList(); //perform query
        var resultList = list
            .Select(entity => entity.Entity as TEntity);

        return resultList;

(note: CreateObjectContext and GetObjectSet are perfectly working methods)

Which should be called this way:

_nutrientManager.FindAllForSpecificLanguage(true, (entity) => entity.Descriptions.Where(desc => desc.LanguageCode.Equals(DataLanguageContext.Current.DataLanguageCode)))

The expression that gets built is typed in the comments. It looks fine I guess, but the join is never performed. If I debug I get the following stacktrace:

System.NotSupportedException: Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities. at System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ELinq.ExpressionConverter.NewTranslator.TypedTranslate(ExpressionConverter parent, NewExpression linq) at System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ELinq.ExpressionConverter.TypedTranslator`1.Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, Expression linq)


  • So .. a few things:

    1. You can't invoke functions in e L2E expression
    2. You can only use constructors without parameters
    3. You can build the whole where clause yourself in the expression

    the whole solution can be found here:

    the important piece is:

        private static void Main(string[] args)
            FilterOnInclude<Car, Wheel>(car => car.Wheels, wheel => wheel.SizeInInches == 14)
                .ForEach(car => Console.WriteLine($"car : {car.Name} wheels: {car.Wheels.Count}"));
        private static IEnumerable<TEntity> FilterOnInclude<TEntity, TChildEntity>(
            Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TChildEntity>>> propertyExpression,
            Expression<Func<TChildEntity, bool>> predicateExpression)
            where TEntity : class
            using (var context = new CarContext())
                context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
                var selector = CreateSelector(propertyExpression, predicateExpression);
                        ).ToList().Select(e => e.Entity).ToArray();
        private static Expression<Func<TEntity, EntityWithFilteredChildren<TEntity, TChildEntity>>> CreateSelector
            <TEntity, TChildEntity>(
            Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TChildEntity>>> propertyExpression,
            Expression<Func<TChildEntity, bool>> predicateExpression)
            var selectType = typeof (EntityWithFilteredChildren<TEntity, TChildEntity>);
            //bind entity
            var entityValueParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof (TEntity), "entityValue");
            var entityProp = selectType.GetProperty("Entity");
            var entityValueAssignment = Expression.Bind(
                entityProp, entityValueParam);
            //bind collection
            var childrenProp = selectType.GetProperty("Children");
            var descriptionsMemberExpression = (propertyExpression.Body as MemberExpression);
            var descriptionsPropertyInfo = (PropertyInfo) descriptionsMemberExpression.Member;
            var descriptionsProperty = Expression.Property(entityValueParam, descriptionsPropertyInfo);
            //perform where call
            var whereCall = Expression.Call(typeof (Enumerable), "Where", new[] {typeof (TChildEntity)}, descriptionsProperty,
            var descriptionValueAssignment = Expression.Bind(
                childrenProp, whereCall);
            var ctor = Expression.New(selectType);
            var memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(ctor, entityValueAssignment, descriptionValueAssignment);
            var selector = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, EntityWithFilteredChildren<TEntity, TChildEntity>>>(memberInit,
            return selector;
        public class EntityWithFilteredChildren<T, TChild>
            public T Entity { get; set; }
            public IEnumerable<TChild> Children { get; set; }