I'm having a problem trying to deploy WAR files within an Enterprise Application on Weblogic.
The Web applications work fine as individual .war files when deployed, but when bundled together in an .ear file there seems to be a problem accessing resources in each web application's WEB-INF/classes directory.
I have some resources that need to be accessed from this directory (for example a log4j.xml file). When the .ear file is deployed, Weblogic unpacks it to tmp location on the server. Everything seems correct, except that the WEB-INF/classes directory has none of the expected files in it. They exist inside the .war file in the .ear file.
Files at the WEB-INF and WEB-INF/lib directory and the WEB-INF and the base directory for the .war file all exist, but the WEB-INF/classes directory is mysteriously empty.
The ClassLoader for Weblogic indicates that the path for this directory is on the classpath, but with no files, it obviously can't find them.
Does anyone know what might be causing this behaviour and how to fix it?
I figured this out after much head scratching, it seems to have been a problem with the Version in the application.xml, for some reason when set to "jee5" Weblogic (10.3.6) was not expanding anything in WEB-INF/classes directory.
Files were definitely there, but not being extracted from the .war file within the ear file.
Switching to version "1.4" fixed the problem.