I can't find AllowDrop
property on RichTextBox
control (sorted alphabetically):
I'm sure that there's this property because it compile fine (and make working the RichTextBox's Drag-and-drop)
msg_textBox.AllowDrop = true;
I don't understand because the VS didn't show it.
The .NET Framework Reference Source is an excellent way to find the answer to questions like this. Quoting the comment on the RichTextBox.AllowDrop property (edited to fit):
/// RichTextBox controls have built-in drag and drop support, but
/// AllowDrop, DragEnter, DragDrop may still be used:
/// this should be hidden in the property grid, but not in code
What that "built-in drag and drop support" actually looks like is a bit mysterious btw. Fairly sure it was meant to allow dragging of embedded OLE objects. RichTextBox is one of the last remaining pieces of Microsoft software that still supports OLE. It is otherwise dead as a doornail and I have no programs still installed anymore that have it, that I know of anyway.
So, laser to stun and follow the guidance from the comment, simply set AllowDrop to true in the form constructor.