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Swift: 'Int32' is not convertible to 'Int32'

I'm in the middle of a project using Swift 1.1 and xCode 6.1.1

I receive the following error when trying to make seconds out of a Value and Timescale

PATH/ViewControllers/Camera/CaptureScreenViewController.swift:41:58: 'Int32' is not convertible to 'Int32'

on the line following line

var seconds = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(Float64(value),timescale)

at ,timescale)

Below are a few lines for reference

var currentCellSegment = segmentForIndexPath(indexPath) var value = currentCellSegment.duration.value.value var timescale = currentCellSegment.duration.timescale.value var seconds = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(Float64(value),timescale)

Any suggestions on how to fix? Or answers to why this is happening?

Things I have tried

I have already uninstalled xCode, restarted, and re-installed.

I've already tried to cast timescale as Int32 like so

var timescale = currentCellSegment.duration.timescale.value as Int32

var timescale: Int32 = currentCellSegment.duration.timescale.value

var timescale: Int32 = currentCellSegment.duration.timescale.value as Int32

, but I receive the error on the line var timescale...

as suggested by @martin-r

new reference code

var currentCellSegment = segmentForIndexPath(indexPath) var value = currentCellSegment.duration.value var timescale = currentCellSegment.duration.timescale var seconds = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(Float64(value),timescale)



  • The error message is indeed a bit strange, but the solution is probably to remove the unnecessary .value calls:

    var value = currentCellSegment.duration.value
    var timescale = currentCellSegment.duration.timescale

    If currentCellSegment.duration is a struct CMTime then its timescale property is a CMTimeScale aka Int32, and that is what CMTimeMakeWithSeconds() expects.

    The value property of Int32 returns a Builtin.Int32, and that causes the strange error message. Example:

    func abc(x : Int32) {
    let x = Int32(1)
    abc(x)       // OK
    abc(x.value) // error: 'Int32' is not convertible to 'Int32'