I am trying to export a .dta
file of mine from Stata to Excel. The file consists an important time variable. Though it shows fine in Stata, in the format of %tm
for example), when I export it to Excel it shows numbers. Tried to export it as csv, xls, xlsx, but doesn't seem to help. Example:
On Stata:
On Excel after exporting:
I also tried to play with the formats and types (it's float
originally) but couldn't fix it. Didn't find any solution for this.
It is not clear to me why Stata exports %tm-formatted variables in this way. For example, 2010m2 is converted as 21916.000006956 when labeled, and as 601 when not.
However, this will export the %tm date as a string:
set obs 10
gen time = _n+600
format time %tm
export excel using "time.xls", replace datestring("%tm")