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500 internal server error while trying to install Bolt 2.0.5

I'm getting a 500 Internal Server Error while trying to install Bolt.

  1. First time Bolt user (been using Drupal for a few years).
  2. I'm running on a VPS (with cPanel/WHM).
  3. PHP version 5.4.37, Apache version 2.4.12
  4. PHP memory_limit = 128M
  5. PDO extension, curlssl extension, and GD extension are enabled
  6. Chrome version 40.0.2214.111
  7. mod_rewrite, SQLite, and MySQL 5.6.22
  8. Downloaded the latest version and installed the traditional way (FTP)
  9. Unzipped and updated permissions
  10. .htaccess is there and looks the same as the one referenced on the Bolt installation page
  11. I tried MySQL database and as-is to use SQLite database
  12. Checked host configuration and AllowOverrides is enabled
  13. tried enabling RewriteBase in .htaccess as well as the "FallbackResource /index.php" method
  14. Bolt is in the root directory (not a subfolder)
  15. I have PHP compiled as FCGI with suEXEC on and Ruid2 off.

All I get is the 500 Internal Server Error. What am I missing?


  • Looks like I just figured it out.

    I disabled "Zend Guard Loader" on my VPS (cPanel/WHM >> EasyApache) and now I'm good to go!