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Bolt CMS - Issue Linking Image Asset

I am fairly new to Bolt CMS and CMSs in general. I am getting the hang of twig and things like that and have implemented a lot of dynamic content now. I am however having an issue on my timeline page in linking image assets.

I have a content type called news which has an imagelist field. I need to be able to pull the image path from the content type but when I get the raw path (ie. "files/2018-06/image-name.png") and do nothing shows up. Is something wrong here? Is this an .htaccess issue?

I am open to any and all solutions. Let me know if you need more info.


  • If you have an imagefield in your record you usually can show the image with

    {{ record.image|showimage() }}


    <img src="{{ record.image|thumbnail(320, 240) }}">

    For more information see: and

    You can also look how it is done in one of the example themes.