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Kinect on PC/Windows 7 (OpenNI - "device missing", but Kinect SDK samples DO works)

I Have an Kinect (the bit old one, for xbox 360) and an PC (windows 7 x64).

I've downloaded the Kinect SDK from:

I've made an restart, plugged in the Kinect to power and PC/usb. Device Manager looks ok: enter image description here

I want to run the Unity demo for Kinect (then write my own one):!/content/10693

As far as I know the is down, so I've downloaded and installed the OpenNI from (OpenNI Beta (x64)).

But when I run the Unity demo, Kinect does not react to my movements at all.

All the demos from C:\Program Files\OpenNI2\Samples\Bin fails as well:

enter image description here

On the other hand, the demos from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Kinect\v1.0 Beta2\Samples\bin (Kinect SDK) works perfectly (showing the camera image, SkeletalViewer interprets my posture as skeleton etc.): enter image description here

The LED on the Kinect blinks periodically.


  • I am afraid OpenNI is a dead project, probably Kinect drivers changed in meantime and they are no more compatible.

    You should definitely switch to a more mantained framework, such as OpenKinect