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Scope Inheritance $broadcast in Angular

I'm trying to set scope broadcasting in Angular. Datetimepicker should be defined in parent grid, children should inherit it. I tried this way:

      $scope.dtBODStopValue = new Date()
      $scope.dtBODStartValue = new Date(new Date(new Date().getTime() - 7 * MS_PER_DAY));

Changing Date/Time and broadcast to other grids

        $scope.dateTimePickerBODStart = {
        change: function () {

$scope.dateTimePickerBODStop = {
        change: function () {


    <input kendo-date-time-picker="dateTimePickerBODStart" k-ng-model="dtBODStartValue" k-options="dateTimePickerBODStart"/>
    <input kendo-date-time-picker="dateTimePickerBODStop" k-ng-model="dtBODStopValue" k-options="dateTimePickerBODStop"/>    


  • as per documentation $broadcast is method of scope

    $scope.$broadcast(name, args);

    so in your case it should be

    $scope.$broadcast('datepickerUpdate', dtBODStartValue, dtBODStopValue);

    and then for listeners in child scopes

    $scope.$on('datapickerUpdate', function (event, dtBODStartValue, dtBODStopValue) {
      //do stuff on change