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Preparing a function to repeatedly use in a generator runner

I'm using a nodejs telnet implementation which uses an event to provide notification each time data is received from a telnet client, which can be subscribed as follows:

client.on('data', [callback]);

I'm also using a generator runner (generator-runner on npm) to execute workflows.

The problem I'm having is that yielding values in this way requires something more like a promise: a single delegate passed on to process a single value. How would I go about writing a function which could be placed in the generator yield statements, and could be repeated every time I want to yield more input?

I've tried using Baconjs for this, but I don't think there's a way to block waiting for a single value on a stream, at least I can't find such a method.

I'm open to any advice. My only real requirement is that I be able to place my workflows in a flat block of code without chaining promises.

Here's the code I've got mocked up, which simply doesn't work:

var requirejs = require('requirejs');
requirejs(['telnet', 'baconjs', 'colourise', 'lodash', 'generator-runner'], function(Telnet, Bacon, Colourise, _, Async) {
    var configureClient = client => {;

    Telnet.createServer(client => {
        var session = {
            user: { }
        write = _.compose(_.bind(client.write, client), Colourise.encode),
        readStream = Bacon.fromBinder(function (sink) {
            client.on('data', function (data) {
                sink({ client : client, data : data, session : session });
        read = () => readStream.take(1).toPromise();


            write("Username: ");
            var user = yield read();
            console.write("Username entered: " + user);

            write("Password: ");
            var password = yield read();
            console.write("Password entered: " + password);


  • I've gotten this working by using 'fromEvent' in Baconjs and using 'firstToPromise'. I was getting exceptions thrown from 'fromBinding', so I don't know what was up there, but it slowed down my progress a lot.

    Below is the simplified and working code. Requires ES6 (I used node flags --harmony and --harmony_generators.)

    On a side note, I'm hugely excited about the implications of this technique!

    var requirejs = require('requirejs');
    requirejs(['telnet', 'baconjs', 'generator-runner', 'lodash'],
        function(Telnet, Bacon, Async, _) {
            var configureClient = client => {
            Telnet.createServer(client => {
                var write = _.bind(client.write, client),
                    readStream = Bacon.fromEvent(client, 'data'),
                    readAsync = () => readStream.firstToPromise();
                    write("Username: ");
                    var user = yield readAsync();
                    console.log("Username entered: " + user);
                    write("Password: ");
                    var password = yield readAsync();
                    console.log("Password entered: " + password);