I'm parsing a serialized object with a DataView and want to be able to increment an offset variable depending on data sizes. I'd rather not redefine variables for simple things like BYTES_PER_UINT16
var dv = new DataView(payload);
var offset = 0;
anObject.field1 = dv.getUint8(offset);
offset += BYTES_PER_UINT8;
anObject.field2 = dv.getUint32(offset, true);
offset += BYTES_PER_UINT32;
You need to wrap them in an object which does this for you.
For example:
function DataViewExt(o) {
this.view = new DataView(o);
this.pos = 0;
DataViewExt.prototype = {
getUint8: function() {
return this.view.getUint8(this.pos++);
getUint16: function() {
var v = this.view.getUint16(this.pos);
this.pos += 2;
return v
// etc...
Now you can create an instance:
var dv = new DataViewExt(payload);
var uint8 = dv.getUint8(); // advances 1 byte
var uint16 = dv.getUint16(); // advances 2 bytes
console.log("Current position:", dv.pos);
Modify to fit your scenario.