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Metaio App in Unity3D not building from XCode

I am trying to build an augmented reality app built in Unity3d using the Metaio Unity SDK. The app uses a CAD model as a target upon which it augments stuff. It looks for something like the reference CAD model in the real world and then latches onto that. In XCode, I add, from Libraries, the metaiosdk file (not metaiosdk.framework) to the Link Binaries to Libraries section. I also add the libxml2.dylib framework. When I build, I fail with tons of errors. The errors all claim that "directory not found for option '-L/..." for Metaio framework. When I search "search paths" in Build Settings and delete them all (per this SO answer), I go down to only one error, saying that there is no Metaio Framework. When I add the whole SDK folder to the project and redo the previous steps, including having to delete search paths for libraries and headers again, I then get an error saying that -liPhone-lib library was not found. I reimport that library, following the instructions from this Metaio Helpdesk post, at which point I then re-delete the search paths for libraries and headers (or else I get about 30 errors again). Then when I build I get only one error, saying that "'Unity/GlesHelper.h' was not found." I am at a loss, as Google turns up no results for "GlesHelper.h" (in this context). What am I doing wrong? Does the SDK need to be inside the Unity project and the Unity Project inside the folder of the XCode project? Is it the opposite way around? Do I need to import the example scenes and not just the scene I am using? Thank you for the help! enter image description here

EDIT: Here is an example of the erros I get before deleting the search Library Paths in Build Settings:

d: warning: directory not found for option '-L"/Users/capture/Desktop/iMacXC2/Libraries"' Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:

"_CIDetectorAccuracy", referenced from: __ZNWwTeFvdBdVkDNRXNPUfEgifAKsRnrNYugVMtgpHhPUMqd in metaiosdk(xhvKRhZZTIhPZZYtqieHqfH) "_OBJC_CLASS_$_CIDetector", referenced from: objc-class-ref in metaiosdk(xhvKRhZZTIhPZZYtqieHqfH) "_kSecReturnRef", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_CIDetectorAccuracyLow", referenced from: __ZNWwTeFvdBdVkDNRXNPUfEgifAKsRnrNYugVMtgpHhPUMqd in metaiosdk(xhvKRhZZTIhPZZYtqieHqfH) "_kSecMatchPolicy", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_kSecMatchLimitOne", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_kSecMatchLimit", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_kSecClass", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLWrite", referenced from: _darwinssl_send in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLGetBufferedReadSize", referenced from: _Curl_darwinssl_data_pending in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_kSecClassIdentity", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLClose", referenced from: _Curl_darwinssl_close in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLSetSessionOption", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o)
"_SSLGetNumberSupportedCiphers", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLCreateContext", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLSetProtocolVersionMax", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SecItemCopyMatching", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o)
"_SSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersion", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_step2 in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLSetProtocolVersionMin", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLGetSessionState", referenced from: _Curl_darwinssl_check_cxn in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLSetEnabledCiphers", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SecPolicyCreateSSL", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o)
"_SecIdentityCopyCertificate", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLSetPeerID", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLGetNegotiatedCipher", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_step2 in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLSetPeerDomainName", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLRead", referenced from: _darwinssl_recv in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLSetIOFuncs", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLHandshake", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_step2 in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLCopyPeerTrust", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLGetSupportedCiphers", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o)
"_SecCertificateCopySubjectSummary", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_SSLSetConnection", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) "_CIDetectorTypeFace", referenced from: __ZNWwTeFvdBdVkDNRXNPUfEgifAKsRnrNYugVMtgpHhPUMqd in metaiosdk(xhvKRhZZTIhPZZYtqieHqfH) "_SSLSetCertificate", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o)
"_SecTrustGetCertificateCount", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o)
"_SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex", referenced from: _darwinssl_connect_common in metaiosdk(libcurl_la-curl_darwinssl.o) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

And then after I delete the Library Search Paths, I get this:

Ld /Users/capture/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-glogufgfblmcyzasljopkkqcjtso/Build/Products/ normal armv7 cd /Users/capture/Desktop/iMacXC2 export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=7.1 export PATH="/Applications/" /Applications/ -arch armv7 -isysroot /Applications/ -L/Users/capture/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-glogufgfblmcyzasljopkkqcjtso/Build/Products -F/Users/capture/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-glogufgfblmcyzasljopkkqcjtso/Build/Products -filelist /Users/capture/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-glogufgfblmcyzasljopkkqcjtso/Build/Intermediates/ -dead_strip -weak_framework CoreMotion -weak-lSystem -stdlib=libstdc++ -fobjc-link-runtime -miphoneos-version-min=7.1 /Users/capture/Desktop/iMacXC2/Libraries/metaiosdk -lxml2 -framework Foundation -framework UIKit -framework OpenGLES -framework QuartzCore -framework OpenAL -liconv.2 -liPhone-lib -framework AudioToolbox -framework CFNetwork -framework MediaPlayer -framework CoreLocation -framework SystemConfiguration -weak_framework iAd -framework CoreMedia -framework CoreVideo -weak_framework AVFoundation -framework CoreGraphics -weak_framework CoreMotion -weak_framework GameKit -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/capture/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-glogufgfblmcyzasljopkkqcjtso/Build/Intermediates/ -o /Users/capture/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-glogufgfblmcyzasljopkkqcjtso/Build/Products/

ld: library not found for -liPhone-lib clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

And after I re-import the missing library, I just continue on that pattern of get errors for Library Search Paths, have to reimport Library, repeat, over and over, until reaching the above image where I need Unity/GlesHelper.h, at which point I am at a loss.


  • You are right, you do need Unity Pro, but it looks like you missed some steps from the Metaio Getting Started with Unity page. You need to drag in the metaioSDK as you have done, but you also need to add frameworks for:

    libc++.dylib libxml2.2.dylib (you did this one) Security.framework CoreImage.framework (SDK 5.5 and newer)