Sorry if this is a dumb question but how do initiate an android service? I cant figure out the error code on public class scilentservice extends IntentService {
(see code below). I think it might have something to do with the intent but i'm not positive. What I want is for my app to start the service which would then auto science the phone at certain times.
Here is my code
* Created by Abe on 3/29/2015.
import android.content.Intent;
public class scilentservice extends IntentService {
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent workIntent) {
// Gets data from the incoming Intent
String dataString = workIntent.getDataString();
// Do work here, based on the contents of dataString
Thanks in advance for your help.
This question will get downvoted and possibly closed because it's basic information found with a simple Google Search. Please look at the documentation linked in the comments and then the next step on how to send a request… this is the Android documentation.
Create a new, explicit Intent for the IntentService called RSSPullService.
* Creates a new Intent to start the RSSPullService
* IntentService. Passes a URI in the
* Intent's "data" field.
mServiceIntent = new Intent(getActivity(), RSSPullService.class);
Call startService()
// Starts the IntentService
The intentService code:
public class RSSPullService extends IntentService {
public RSSPullService() {
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
//Do the work here.