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Unable to load textured Collada exported from blender using Three.js

I am using Three.js, version 71. I'm using Blender, version 2.73.

I created a textured collada object (.dae file) using Blender, and now I want to load it into my three.js scene. So far, I can only load models that get exported from blender that have no textures on them.

Here is how I create the textured collada object:
In blender, I simply use the default cube. Using the settings on the right, I add a texture to the cube. Here is the texture I am putting onto the cube (NOTE: it is 2048 X 2048, so it's a power of 2): Texture for Collada (2048 X 2048)

Here is an image of the cube in render mode to prove that the texture is on it: Textured Collada

Here are the export settings I used when I exported the cube as a collada from Blender: Collada Export Settings

Here is some code I used to try to load the textured collada:

var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
var localObject;
loader.options.convertUpAxis = true;
loader.load( './models/test_texture.dae', function ( collada ) {
  localObject = collada.scene;
  localObject.scale.x = localObject.scale.y = localObject.scale.z = 32;
} );

Here is the error I got:

[.WebGLRenderingContext]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glDrawElements: attempt to access out of range vertices in attribute 2

I then googled that error message and someone said the I need to compute tangents. Here are my attempts at that and the errors I got:

var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
var localObject;
loader.options.convertUpAxis = true;
loader.load( './models/test_texture.dae', function ( collada ) {
  localObject = collada.scene;
  localObject.scale.x = localObject.scale.y = localObject.scale.z = 32;

  for (var i = collada.scene.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    var child = collada.scene.children[i];

    // child.children[0] will give us the THREE.Mesh of the collada
    if ( child.colladaId == "Cube" ) {

      // ATTEMPT 1: Just tried computing tangets based on answer from neoRiley here:
      // child.children[0].geometry.computeTangents();

      // ATTEMPT 2: Got this suggestion from Popov here:
      // child.children[0].geometry[ 0 ][ 0 ].computeTangents();
      // child.children[0].geometry[ 1 ][ 0 ].computeTangents();

      // ATTEMPT 3: Tried setting some update flags based on answer from Sayris here:
      // child.children[0].geometry.buffersNeedUpdate = true;
      // child.children[0].geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = true;
      // child.children[0].material.needsUpdate = true;
      // child.children[0].geometry.computeTangents();
} );


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
// Stack trace
three.js:9935 handleTriangle
three.js:9974 THREE.Geometry.computeTangents
myCode.js:116 (anonymous function)
ColladaLoader.js:204 parse
ColladaLoader.js:84 request.onreadystatechange


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

This came from own code. I didn't think geometry of THREE.Mesh is two dimensional, but I tried it anyway.


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
// Stack trace
three.js:9935 handleTriangle
three.js:9974 THREE.Geometry.computeTangents
myCode.js:116 (anonymous function)
ColladaLoader.js:204 parse
ColladaLoader.js:84 request.onreadystatechange


  • I decided to use the JSON loader instead because I couldn't get the collada one to work. The first thing I did was install the JSON exporter addon into Blender. I got the addon from the .zip file from my three.js download. It's in three.js-r71/utils/exporters/blender/addons and it's called io_three. You just need to copy that folder and paste it in your Blender installation directory in Blender Foundation/Blender/2.73/scripts/addons.

    You then have to enable it in Blender. To do that:

    1. Click to File->User Preferences...
    2. Click Add-ons
    3. Type three in the search field
    4. All the way to the right, click the check box to enable it
    5. At the bottom left, click Save User Settings so you don't need to do this again. You'll know it's working if you see Three.js (.json) when you click File->Export.

    I followed most of the instructions from this site to help me create and export a model:

    Here are the steps I used to create and export the model (I tweaked them a little bit from the site)

    1. Start up Blender.
    2. Look at the Properties editor (on the right).
    3. Press the World context button. In the World panel click Ambient Color and change it from black to middle gray.
    4. Press the Material context button. On the Diffuse panel change Intensity to 1.0. Do the same on the Specular panel. In the Shading panel put a check in the Shadeless box.
    5. Press the Textures context button. Near the top in the Type drop down box, select Image or Movie. In the Image panel, browse to your image (make sure the image's dimensions are in a power of 2).
    6. Choose the UV Editing screen layout (drop-down box to right of help menu at top). UV Editing menu
    7. With mouse cursor in 3D editor, go into edit mode (Tab key).
    8. Unwrap (Press the U key). Choose Smart UV Project. Click Ok to accept defaults.
    9. In the UV Editing screen, select your image using the menu at the bottom left (see screenshot) Selecting Image in UV layout
    10. Select Image->Save As Image. This image will need to be next to your JSON file that you will export.
    11. Click File->Export->Three.js (.json).
    12. To the left, select a few more export options (see screenshot for the ones i used, which I found by trial and error). I think I only added Face Materials, Materials, and Textures. You can then also click Save Settings to save these settings. JSON Export Settings
    13. Put your JSON file and your image file that you saved earlier in your project folder.
    14. Use the following code to load it:

      var object;
      var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();          
      loader.load( "./models/test_texture.json", function(geometry, materials) {
        object = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, materials[0]);
        object.scale.set(32, 32, 32);