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hardcoded address in disassembly

I'm writing optimized Windows based shellcode in C++ and I have problem avoiding hardcoded addresses in C++ while passing it to function.


My_CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&thread_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL);

DWORD WINAPI thread_callback(LPVOID lpParam)
    // stuff..

in disassembly, it shows CreateThread(..., cardcoded_address, ..); instead, I want to pass this address like "from this location to thread_callback"

is there any way to avoid it? (because shellcode should be address independent?)



  • Anyways, I was searching/doing some stuff and the final thing I've could done is that you can solve this with delta offset.

    Explanation: at the very first function of your code, there should be function like this:

    DWORD delta;
    __asm {
        call GetBasePointer
        pop eax
        sub eax, GetBasePointer
        mov [delta], eax

    You can also google for delta offset for more details. Afterwards, you can do something like this:

    My_CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)((DWORD)thread_callback + (DWORD)delta), NULL, NULL, NULL);
    DWORD WINAPI thread_callback(LPVOID lpParam)
        // stuff..

    and it will work fine,
