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How to get user freehand input in matlab?

I am trying to write a handwriting recognization software, and need user input. I can successfully use imfreehand (with parameter, closed = 0) function to let the user write on top of a blank plot axis. However, I have two issues with that:

  1. I cannot control the thickness of the lines
  2. I cannot convert the scribble into image

I need to do 2, because, I will be comparing the handwriting with training images stored in the library.

Any idea on how to get over these or any alternatives?



  • To answer your second question first, you can use getframe. Here is a minimal exemple:

    % --- Free hand drawing
    imfreehand('closed', 0);
    % --- Get the image
    axis off
    F = getframe;
    Img = F.cdata;
    % --- Display the image

    Then, to answer your first question regarding line thickness, it's a little bit more tricky. You have to get the coordinates of the curve, plot it with the desired thickness and then use getframe.

    It's a little more complicated to make everything clean with respect to your application because of the background color and the axes scales, but here is a try:

    xl = get(gca, 'Xlim');
    yl = get(gca, 'Ylim');
    h = imfreehand('closed', 0);
    % --- Get the curve coordinates
    C = get(h, 'Children');
    pos = C(5).Vertices;
    % --- Re-plot the curve with a thick line
    plot(pos(:,1), pos(:,2), 'k', 'Linewidth', 5);
    % --- Get the image
    F = getframe;
    Img = rgb2gray(F.cdata);
    Img(Img>0) = 255;
    % --- Display the image

    Hope this helps !