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JSP hot/auto deploy not working in JBoss ES 6.2 w/ Liferay 6.2

I working on a project that is using Liferay 6.2 on JBoss ES 6.2 (JBoss AS 7.x, from what I have read). I am using the Liferay created ANT scripts to do my deploys, but for some strange reason the JSP file changes do not get picked up. Everytime I make a change to a JSP I have to shut down JBoss, nuke the files under standalone/tmp, then restart JBoss. Java changes seem to deploy just fine. For instance, if I add a log message to my portlet code and update some HTML text in my JSP and deploy the portlet project, I see my log entry immediately but the page text change is not there. Needless to say, having to restart the whole app server for every UI change/tweak is greatly diminishing my productivity.

I don't know what information would be needed to help.


  • Check if you have timezone issues when you deploy your project:: If the timestamps on the JSPs are 1 hour too old (because of a bad timezone) and the previous deployment/test was 10 minutes ago, the JSP might have been compiled 10 minutes ago - that's still 50 min after the (updated) jsp's date, so no need to recompile.

    I hope this timezone-explanation wasn't too messy and is understandable.