I have an ng-repeat that shows a table based on one loop, and then a cell based on a different loop:
<tr ng-repeat="r in roles | limitTo: 30">
<span ng-repeat="t in users100 | limitTo: r.userLimit" ng-if="t.role == r.name"><a href="{{t.id}}">{{t.full_name}}</a></span>
<span ng-if="true"><a href="" ng-click="r.userLimit=500">Show all</a></span>
Each row is a Role, first cell shows the role's name.
Second cell shows all results from a different dataset where the role
in that set matches the original set's role
value. (It repeats a SPAN
for each match up to r.userLimit
, set in the JSON at 20)
The A tag has a click which sets the value of r.userLimit
to 500, so it shows all the users.
My question is, I only want to show this link IF the number of matches to the initial repeater is greater than the value of r.userLimit (20)
So I thought
ng-if="((t.role == r.name).length > r.userLimit)"
But my syntax is wrong, since the link never shows. What's wrong wih my syntax?
You'd need to get 2 lengths: the original array and the filtered one:
This is how you can do so with ng-repeat
<span ng-repeat="t in shownUsers = (users100 | limitTo: limit)">
Or, even easier, with Angular 1.3:
<span ng-repeat="t in users100 | limitTo: limit as shownUsers">
Then, you use the two with ng-if
for "show all". You also don't need to hack "all" with "a very high number":
<span ng-show="shownUsers.length < users100.length" ng-click="limit = users100.length">
Show All
As a bonus, this can also enable you to do "show more" quite easily:
<span ng-show="shownUsers.length < users100.length" ng-click="limit = limit + 10">
show more
EDIT: There is further complexity if the results are themselves filtered, then the as alias
would not suffice. In this case, the following works (shortening variable names for readability):
<span ng-repeat="t in shown = (filtered = (users | filter: {role: r.name}) | limitTo: limit)">
and then, use shown.length
against filtered.length
<span ng-show="shown.length < filtered.length" ng-click="limit = users.length">
show all