Search code examples

ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException when using update script

I am using Bonsai Elastic Search on Heroku and I have a document as follows:


I'm trying to update the counter like this (as per

curl -XPOST 'http://ELASTICSEARCHINSTANCE:9200/myIndex/result/1234_is/_update' -d '{"script" : "ctx._source.counter+=1"}'

But I'm getting the following error:

   "error":"ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script]; nested: ExpressionScriptCompilationException[Failed to parse expression: ctx._source.counter+=1]; nested: ParseException[ unexpected character '1' at position (21).]; nested: MismatchedTokenException; ",


  • Bonsai founder here.

    For safety reasons, Bonsai only supports dynamic scripting with sandboxed languages on their multi-tenant environments. Following CVE-2015-1427, and the release of Elasticsearch 1.4.3 and 1.3.8, Groovy is no longer considered a safe language for sandboxed dynamic scripts in Elasticsearch.

    That said, Groovy is perfectly safe on Bonsai's single-tenant clusters, drop us a line at to get a quote for that sort of setup.