Trying to add 3 panels i created to a frame in Java with the JSplitPane. Have tried this with 2 panels, and that worked great, but with 3 it still does not do what i want.
Have read something about making 2 JSplitPanes and put the one in the other, but that does not actually work what i would like it to do.
My code shows that there are 3 panels, but the size are all wrong.. it should be filled out.
My code:
frame = new JFrame(); // Create a new frame
frame.setVisible(true); // Makes it visible
frame.setSize(900, 500); // Sets size
frame.setTitle(""); // Sets title
frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Sets the window on the center of the screen
temp_panel = new JPanel(); // Creates new JPanel
water_panel = new JPanel(); // Creates new JPanel
power_panel = new JPanel(); // Creates new JPanel
temp_panel.setBackground(Color.decode("#2ecc71")); // Sets color
water_panel.setBackground(Color.decode("#3498db")); // Sets color
power_panel.setBackground(Color.decode("#f1c40f")); // Sets color
temp_label = new JLabel("This is Temperature");
water_label = new JLabel("This is Water consumption");
power_label = new JLabel("This is Power consumption");
// Add labels on panel
JSplitPane splitPaneLeft = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT);
JSplitPane splitPaneRight = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT);
splitPaneLeft.setLeftComponent( temp_panel );
splitPaneLeft.setRightComponent( water_panel );
splitPaneRight.setLeftComponent( splitPaneLeft );
splitPaneRight.setRightComponent( power_panel );
// put splitPaneRight onto a single panel
JPanel panelSplit = new JPanel();
panelSplit.add( splitPaneRight );
frame.add(panelSplit, BorderLayout.CENTER);
It should look like this, but just with 3 panels with 3 different colors instead of 2!
Hope someone can help
If you don't need to change the relative sizes of the components during runtime, don't use a JSplitPane. Instead create a container JPanel that uses GridLayout, say new GridLayout(1, 0)
for 1 row and variable number of columns, add your three colored JPanels to the GridLayout-using JPanel, and add this then to the JFrame.