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Getting "Data Output has no Data Type" on any signal boundary event

I'm using BPMN2 modeler v1.1.3.201503101616 in Eclipse Luna, developing for JBPM 6.0.3 for Jboss EAP 6.1. Any time I add a signal boundary event to an activity, it's flagged with the error "Data Output Signal_1_Output () has no Data Type". The error has the type "jBPM Process Problem".

For example, here's a simple workflow that I put together:

process with signal boundary event

And here's the generated source for the process (the line with the error is marked):

  <bpmn2:itemDefinition id="ItemDefinition_4" isCollection="false" structureRef="String"/>
  <bpmn2:signal id="SignalFoo" name="SignalFoo"/>
  <bpmn2:process id="defaultPackage.Scratch" tns:packageName="defaultPackage" name="Scratch" isExecutable="true" processType="Private">
    <bpmn2:property id="str" itemSubjectRef="ItemDefinition_4" name="str"/>
    <bpmn2:startEvent id="StartEvent_1" name="StartProcess">
    <bpmn2:scriptTask id="ScriptTask_1" name="Script Task 1" scriptFormat="">
      <bpmn2:script>System.out.println(&quot;Hello world!&quot;);</bpmn2:script>
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_1" tns:priority="1" sourceRef="StartEvent_1" targetRef="ScriptTask_1"/>
    <bpmn2:boundaryEvent id="BoundaryEvent_1" name="" attachedToRef="ScriptTask_1">
      <bpmn2:dataOutput id="DataOutput_1" name="Signal_1_Output"/> <-- Error
      <bpmn2:dataOutputAssociation id="DataOutputAssociation_1">
      <bpmn2:outputSet id="OutputSet_1" name="Output Set 1">
      <bpmn2:signalEventDefinition id="SignalEventDefinition_1" signalRef="SignalFoo"/>
    <bpmn2:endEvent id="EndEvent_1" name="End Event 1">
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_2" tns:priority="1" sourceRef="ScriptTask_1" targetRef="EndEvent_1"/>
    <bpmn2:scriptTask id="ScriptTask_2" name="Script Task 2" scriptFormat="">
      <bpmn2:script>System.out.println(&quot;Goodbye, cruel world!&quot;);</bpmn2:script>
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_3" tns:priority="1" sourceRef="BoundaryEvent_1" targetRef="ScriptTask_2"/>
    <bpmn2:endEvent id="EndEvent_2" name="End Event 2">
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_4" tns:priority="1" sourceRef="ScriptTask_2" targetRef="EndEvent_2"/>

Despite the error, Jbpm is able to run the process without complaint, and the boundary event seems to work correctly. I haven't been able to find any other mention of this specific error on the Internet. I've also looked for ways to adjust the validator for jBPM processes, but I can't find anything about it in the eclipse preferences.

Is this a legitimate error? Can someone suggest how to fix it? Alternately, is there a way to disable this validation rule?


  • I opened for the issue.

    The workaround is to open the bpmn file in the XML editor and modify the dataOutput element:

    <bpmn2:dataOutput id="DataOutput_1" name="Signal_1_Output"/>

    Add an attribute named "itemSubjectRef" referencing an appropriate itemDefinition from the beginning of the file, for example:

    <bpmn2:dataOutput id="DataOutput_1"
     itemSubjectRef="ItemDefinition_4" name="Signal_1_Output"/>

    This stops BPMN2 from flagging the event as an error. I haven't found a way to make this change from within the BPMN2 modeler editor.


    Bug 463362 is marked as fixed in BPMN Modeler 1.1.4 and 1.2.0.