I am making a windows phone application, and have divided my solution up in 4 projects.
I share models between all projects using the Portable Library. But how to share information, I know I can share variables and other elements using Uri Scheme:
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Project;component/URI.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
But what if I want to parse Complex objects?
An Example with pseudo code and program flow:
UILoad(); //Login UI shown
MobileService.Authenticate(); //Authentication stored in Isolated storage through CreditVault.
NavigateTo->MainMenu(); //
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/SecondaryProject;component/URI.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
MobileService.AccessRestrictedInformation(); //How to still be authenticated here?
SavePictureAndInformation(); //How to make Information available to all projects in the solution?
The authentication I have on the startupPage, allows me to automatically re-authenticate users, which is why I store it encrypted.
Can the other Project access the IsolatedStorage of the first project, if so how?
If I authenticate the user upon startup, will a created mobileservice in another project within the solution also be authenticated?
Am I missing somethine smart?
External Information
I need the setup of multiple projects with pages and cannot insert them in the same project. So it is not a solution to have it in the same project.
You can share information between projects using IsolatedStorage or use the application.current.resources, from this link http://mikaelkoskinen.net/windows-phone-pass-data-between-pages-application-resources/
Hope somebody find it useful :)