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trouble plotting data in the ggmap package for R

I'm a New R user so not quite comfortable with the language. Attempting to plot the locations of bird records on a map of Manchester, England. have managed to create a map with following code


Have read spreadsheet as an xlsx file from excel via gdata, columns containing both long and lat assigned to Lon & Lat.

Seem to be able to qplot lon&lat but not as a layer on the map, when I attempt this I get the following error

Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class list

I've now tried so many combinations of code it would be impossible for me to offer a demonstrative line on how I'm attempting to attach the data onto my map, have followed tutorials online to no avail - is it a problem in my xlsx file?

Edited: Sample code :

 #Here is what Jamie Dunning tried:
origin<-c("Worsley,Salford","Elton reservoir","Etherow country park","Blackleach country park","Low Hall,LNR, Wigan","Cheadle royal","Rhodes lodges,Middleton","Persons flash,Wigan","Sale water park","Plattfields","Higher Boarshaw","Clifton country park","Horrocks flash")<-geocode(origin) 

map<-c(get_map("Greater Manchester") 


I'm yet to have an example where they are plotted successfully.


  • Another Alternative using plotGoogleMaps

    1- Get coordinates

    #List places to find GPS coordinates for:
        origin<-c("Worsley,Salford","Elton reservoir","Etherow country park","Elton reservoir","Blackleach country park","Low Hall,LNR, Wigan","Cheadle royal","Rhodes lodges,Middleton","Persons flash,Wigan","Sale water park","Plattfields","Higher Boarshaw","Clifton country park","Horrocks flash")
    #Get coordinates via geocode function   <-geocode(origin)
    #Put these coordinates in a data frame for creating an SP object later 
        df <-
        row.names(df) <- 1:nrow(df)

    2- Create Spatial Object

    #Coordinates must be numeric and binded together as one element and rows numbered:$lon <- as.numeric($lon)$lat <- as.numeric($lat)
        coord <- cbind($lon,$lat)
        row.names(coord) <- 1:nrow(coord)
    #Define a mapping projection
        AACRS <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
    #Creating a spatial object of "df" using the binded coordinates "coord":
        Map2 <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coord, df, proj4string = AACRS, match.ID = TRUE) 

    3-Create an interactive html googlemap:

        #Simple Map
        #Map with some options, filename creates a file in the working directory.
        plotGoogleMaps(Map2, mapTypeId="ROADMAP", colPalette="red", legend=FALSE, filename="Swan_Map.htm")

    enter image description here