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HK2 IterableProvider named method not finding Implementation

I have a problem trying to inject a contract with two services bound to it.

I'm using Jersey, and extending ResourceConfig to configure my app, where I'm binding two different implementations (classes FooImpl1 and FooImpl2) to a same contract (interface Foo), ranking them differently. Each of these implementations is annotated with @Named and its name.

In one of my controllers I want to have access to both implementations, so I inject an IterableProvider<Foo> fooProvider.

If I do not specify anything, the implementation with the highest rank is injected always, which is what I want.

The problem appears when I want a concrete implementation, one of them. When I call fooProvider.named( nameOfTheClass ).get(), is returning me null, but if I iterate over the fooProvider, I can have access to both implementations, so they are injected.

Anybody has an idea of what could I be missing?

Thanks a lot for your help.


  • Yeah so I'm not sure why it doesn't work with the @Named annotation value, as that's what's stated int the javadoc, but without the need for any annotations, we can configure the name when we do our bindings. We can do so with the named method.

    register(new AbstractBinder(){
        public void configure() {


    So the above solution has been tested. If you are having problems still, post a complete runnable example that demonstrates it not working, like below (which is working)

    Interface and Implementations

    public interface Greeter {
        String getGreeting(String name);
    public class EnglishGreeter implements Greeter {
        public String getGreeting(String name) {
            return "Hello " + name + "!";
    public class SpanishGreeter implements Greeter {
        public String getGreeting(String name) {
            return "Hola " + name + "!";


    public class GreetingResource {
        private IterableProvider<Greeter> greeters;
        public Response getResponse(@QueryParam("lang") String lang,
                                    @QueryParam("name") String name) throws Exception {
            Greeter greeter = greeters.named(lang).get();
            String message = greeter.getGreeting(name);
            return Response.ok(message).build();

    Binding. I did it in a Feature, but in a ResourceConfig, it's all the same.

    public class GreetingFeature implements Feature {
        public boolean configure(FeatureContext context) {
            context.register(new AbstractBinder(){
                public void configure() {
            return true;


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