I would like to change the color palette. The colors are by default have a transparency of 30%.
Is it possible to replace the color palette?
Based on this solution, you can replace the color palette once you get the rectangles and their colors.
For instance, you can make brighter all the palette:
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
ColorPicker picker = new ColorPicker();
StackPane root = new StackPane(picker);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 500, 400);
PopupWindow popupWindow = getPopupWindow();
Node popup = popupWindow.getScene().getRoot().getChildrenUnmodifiable().get(0);
Color c = (Color)((Rectangle)rect).getFill();
// Replace with your custom color
private PopupWindow getPopupWindow() {
final Iterator<Window> windows = Window.impl_getWindows();
while (windows.hasNext()) {
final Window window = windows.next();
if (window instanceof PopupWindow) {
return (PopupWindow)window;
return null;