I am trying to use $routeProvider
dependency inside my controller:
.controller('mainController', function($scope, $state, $routeProvider) {
But I am getting the error:
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $routeProviderProvider <- $routeProvider
How do I know what dependencies I can inject into any given controller?
There are two phases inside angular
to write a code) app.run
, after run cycle all other directives gets executed using compile cycle)Provider is nothing but service/factory but the most important thing is it can be accessible inside configuration phase.
Suppose we have below provider
myApp.provider('unicornLauncher', function UnicornLauncherProvider() {
var useTinfoilShielding = false;
this.useTinfoilShielding = function(value) {
useTinfoilShielding = !!value;
this.$get = ["apiToken", function unicornLauncherFactory(apiToken) {
return new UnicornLauncher(apiToken, useTinfoilShielding);
While inject it inside config you should always prefix it Provider
like unicornLauncherProvider
While using it inside controller you could use it as unicornLauncher
Provider are always accessible inside
(configuration) phase with suffixProvider
in their name, While inside controller you could > directly inject it usingunicornLauncher
(direct provider name)Services/Factory They are not visible in config phase of angular
Still confuse then do refer this link