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QMainMenu behaves weirdly if QVTKWidget is the central widget of QMainWindow

Ok it took me a while to track this down, but I have no idea how to resolve it.

The main menu in my Qt/vtk application is behaving weirdly. Clicking behaviour on the menu is as follows:

  • First click: pop down
  • Second click: pop up
  • Third click: does nothing
  • Fourth click: pop down again

Now this wouldn't be that bad, but the problem is that the states are remembered. So if the user clicks the menu twice -- i.e., closes it manually -- the next click on the menu bar will not do anything, even if he used other GUI element in between. This leads to an annoying user experience.

I created a minimal failing example:

#include <QAction>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QMenuBar>

#include <QVTKWidget.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  QApplication app(argc, argv);

  QMainWindow mainWindow;
  QMenu *menu = mainWindow.menuBar()->addMenu("TestMenu");
  QAction *action = menu->addAction("TestAction");

  // Setting the central widget to QVTKWidget, produces a weirdly
  // behaving menu bar:
  //   First click: pop down
  //   Second click: pop up
  //   Third click: does nothing
  //   Fourth click: pop down again
  mainWindow.setCentralWidget(new QVTKWidget());

  // Setting the central widget to any other QWidget, like QLabel, produces a
  // normally behaving menu bar:
  //   First click: pop down
  //   Second click: pop up
  //   Third click: pop down again
  // mainWindow.setCentralWidget(new QLabel("TestLabel"));;

  return app.exec();

If the QLabel-central-widget is commented in, and the QVTKWidget-central-widget is commented out, the menu is behaving normally.

Any ideas what to do next to resolve this?


  • Bug is not occuring any more on Qt 5.4.1 and vtk 6.2.0.

    (vtk bug tracker link: