I've got a GameController object with a square 2D collider that covers the whole screen. Inside that GameController there are 7 objects (Zones), each one with their own polygon collider. Here's the setup:
What I'm trying to do is to check if the clicked position is inside any of those Zone's colliders whenever I click inside the big square collider.
This is the OnMouseDown() code of the GameController's script:
void OnMouseDown ()
Vector3 mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
if(this.collider2D.bounds.Contains(mousePos)) Debug.Log ("1st Check");
//'Zones' is a list with all the Zones GameObjects
foreach (GameObject zone in Zones)
Debug.Log ("2nd Check");
Shouldn't I ALWAYS get the "1st Check"? Because it's redundant: if the OnMouseDown() got triggered because I clicked inside the collider, then the mouse position has to be inside the collider. But I never do, so I think I'm missing something right here about the Input.mousePosition or the ScreenToWorldPoint().
The problem was that .collider2D.bounds.Contains(mousePos)
was getting a Vector3 but should've been receiving a Vector2.
Changed it to .collider2D.bounds.Contains(Vector2(mousePos))
and works like charm.