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Autoload a Paypal PHP SDK in Drupal 7

I am new in creating a custom module in drupal 7 and basically I want to include the paypal PHP SDK library into my custom module.

This is my example path of my custom module


I've created the necessary files like .info and .module file for it my problem is when I am including the autoload.php from the composer install in my custom module that creates the directories and file

vendor->autoload.php, vendor->composer, and vendor->paypal

The vendor paypal where the library is found is autoloaded by the autoload.php. I've tried using this one into my .info file:

files[] = vendor/autoload.php

but it didn't work I've also tried this one

function custom_paypal_init() {
  require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

now I am instantiating a new class in the custom form I've made but it prompts an error:

Fatal error: Class 'Payment' not found

Which is in the Paypal SDK,

Can anyone help me how to properly include the classes of this API? Thanks!


  • I've fix the problem by using require_once method on the very first line of my custom module:

    require_once (__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');