I'm using FasterXML to serialize POJO. I want to serialize a list of my POJO. When serialize a signle POJO I get the expected xml (there's one problem --> question 2) Here's my code:
List<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<>();
// add movies
JacksonXmlModule module = new JacksonXmlModule();
xmlMapper = new XmlMapper(module);
String xml = xmlMapper.writeValueAsString(movies);
I get this:
<item imdbID="tt0077687" title="The Hobbit" year="1977"/>
Here's what I want:
<movie imdbID="tt0077687" title="The Hobbit" year="1977"/>
<movie imdbID="tt0077687" title="title2" year="1977"/>
<movie imdbID="tt0077687" title="The Hobbit" year="1977"/>
<movie imdbID="tt0077687" title="title2" year="1977"/>
When I serialize a movie I get this:
Is it possible to get this:
<movie imdbID="tt0077687" title="The Hobbit" year="1977"><movie>
As a general rule, do not try serializing List
, Map
s or arrays directly as the root-level value: always use a Bean (POJO). Properties may be of any types, recursively.
The problem is that Java type erasure make things problematic for collection and Map types in general (even with JSON); but there are additional problems for XML.
So while it may seem unnecessary, I have found it safest to have a simple Object as the root value, even if it's only something like:
public class Response {
public List<Movie> movies;
Having said that, to change the name of root element can be done multiple ways. One possibility is to use Jackson annotation @JsonRootName
(despite "Json" in there, it applies to all formats).
Or, you can use ObjectWriter
, override root name with:
String xml mapper.writer().withRootName("movies").writeValueAsString(movies);