I am trying to get the profiler plug-in for IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM to work. I have set everything in the documentation but when I fire up C-Spy and start the plug-in I get errors. I tried to different emulators and each gave a different error:
Segger SAM-ICE JTAG Emulator - The following appears in the debug log:
Thu May 27 12:43:04 2010: Profiler: No cycle counter could be found. Profiler will only count function calls.
Thu May 27 12:43:04 2010: Failed to set breakpoint at 0x001411F2
Thu May 27 12:43:04 2010: Profiler: Could not set enough breakpoints.
J-Link Pro Emulator - A pop-up window appears with the following:
No More Breakpoints Available
Available breakpoints: 2048
It appears that the emulators do not support the plug-in. Has anyone successfully used this plug-in? If so with which emulator?
Does anyone know of a alternative method or solution that I could use (i.e. in code)? It would preferably meet the following conditions:
I think there's a better way. Use the GDB Server and use this technique.